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Dear Generals,
Heavenly greetings in the name of our soon coming King and Redeemer Jesus Christ who reigns forever. I am very grateful for the materials you sent to me. In fact I must confess that through your publications my faith was made alive again. Sadly, my faith had almost died due to the environment in which I found myself and due to the environment in which I found myself, along with what I am hearing all over the world about what is becoming of the Church at large. Now my spirit is restored and revived—PRAISE THE LORD! In all this the Lord has assured me that He has kept for Himself many like you whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him. To the Lord be glory forever.
In fact it is indeed heart hitting messages. The joy I once knew came back to me—the joy of salvation which Jesus alone can give. I regained my courage to share the gospel with Muslims after reading your tracts and booklets that expose the false religion of Islam. I pity those millions bound by this false religion. From that day on I embarked on praying for them.
I started reaching my Muslim friends and neighbors. On two separate occasions while witnessing Christ to them, I met Muslims who, seeing their hopelessness, started shedding tears. I asked them to confess and accept Christ as their Savior and they did. PRAISE GOD! I then prayed for them, but because of fear of their relatives they are yet to come out boldly to renounce Islam. My prayer is that the Lord will help them do that in time because nobody knows tomorrow.
Finally dear Generals, your labors in the vineyard of the Lord will be greatly rewarded. Don’t give up no matter what the critics say. You will not fully know what you are doing now until we all reach Heaven at the Master’s feet where you will see the countless souls you have won for the Lord Jesus. I should be much grateful if you will send me more materials because the ones I have are running short. I am sharing them with nearly everyone I meet. Your materials will help me be a good soldier of Christ. Remain blessed until we communicate again.
Alex O. Ajah